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International Women’s Day 2016: 8 inspirational women from history to celebrate

(Source: https://goo.gl/kLy1Na License: https://goo.gl/VAhsB)

(WOWO): Since the first International Women’s Day was celebrated more than 100 years ago, women have won the right to vote, became world leaders and have made strides in equal rights.

Every March 8, people all over the world celebrate women’s economic, political and social achievements.

In honor of the day, WOWO created a list of 8 inspirational women from history to celebrate.

“I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.” – Anne Frank (1929-1945)

(Source: https://goo.gl/VWf5cv License: https://goo.gl/VAhsB)
(Source: https://goo.gl/VWf5cv License: https://goo.gl/VAhsB)

Anne Frank is famous for documenting her life in her diary during the Holocust. Her family hid for two years. She was 15 when her family was found and were sent to concentration camps, where she died. The Diary of Anne Frank has been read by millions.

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” – Mother Teresa (1910-1997)

(Source: https://goo.gl/W38f2Z License: https://goo.gl/sZ7V7x)
(Source: https://goo.gl/W38f2Z License: https://goo.gl/sZ7V7x)

Mother Teresa devoted her life for caring the sick and poor. She was the founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic congregation of women dedicated to helping the poor.

“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” – Diana (1961-1997) Princess of Wales

(Source: https://goo.gl/8iBerM License: https://goo.gl/sZ7V7x)
(Source: https://goo.gl/8iBerM License: https://goo.gl/sZ7V7x)

Diana, Princess of Wales, was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales. Charles is the eldest child and heir apparent of Queen Elizabeth II. She devoted her life to charity work and worked hard to ban landmines.

Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail their failure must be but a challenge to others. – Amelia Earhart (1897-1937)

Source: https://goo.gl/cCL19X License: https://goo.gl/sZ7V7x)
Source: https://goo.gl/cCL19X License: https://goo.gl/sZ7V7x)

Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in 1928. She was also the first person to fly over both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. In 1937, she started her lifelong dream to fly across the world. Her plane went missing and she was never seen again.

I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free… so other people would be also free. – Rosa Parks (1913-2005)

(Source: https://goo.gl/XhRwDy License: https://goo.gl/OOAQfn)
(Source: https://goo.gl/XhRwDy License: https://goo.gl/OOAQfn)

Rosa Parks was an African American civil rights activist. In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama. She became a cultural icon in the fight for black civil rights alongside The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“We have to free half of the human race, the women, so that they can help to free the other half.”- Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928)

Source: https://goo.gl/FZvPqB License: https://goo.gl/sZ7V7x)
Source: https://goo.gl/FZvPqB License: https://goo.gl/sZ7V7x)

Emmeline Pankhurt was a British political and activist leader. She was a leader in the British suffragette movement who helped women win the right to vote.

“Be bold. If you’re going to make an error, make a doozy, and don’t be afraid to hit the ball.” -Billie Jean King (born 1943)

(Source: https://goo.gl/5wwSlI License: https://goo.gl/VAhsB)
(Source: https://goo.gl/5wwSlI License: https://goo.gl/VAhsB)

Billie Jean King is the founder of Billie Jean King Leadership Initiative. She was also the first female athlete to be honored with the Medal of Freedom. She is an American former World professional tennis player and was ranked number one in the world from 1966-68 and 1974. She won 39 Grand Slam titles.

“One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world.” Malala Yousafzai (1997-)

(Source: https://goo.gl/kLy1Na License: https://goo.gl/VAhsB)
(Source: https://goo.gl/kLy1Na License: https://goo.gl/VAhsB)

Malala is a Pakistani activist for women’s education rights and the youngest Nobel Prize Winner. In October 2009, Malala and her friends were going home from school when a masked gunman entered their school bus. The gunman asked for Malala by name and then shot her but she survived. She continues to fight for women’s education rights to this day.

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